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What happens when the creative class makes their own currencies?

James Beck
April 01
Higher represents more than just a digital art project with a token; it symbolizes a paradigm shift in how we perceive and participate in the aspirational economy.
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My favorite albums and tracks released in 2023

James Beck
December 19
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Two new tracks; comparing Nina and Catalog

James Beck
October 25
One of my favorite early projects at Consensys was Ujo Music, a platform for musicians to share their music onchain -- before the NFT (ERC-721 standard) was even really a thing, and nearly a half-decade before we even started saying “onchain.” So many of the early experiments at Consensys were just that -- brilliant but a little too early. Three years later, more artists were beginning to explore music NFTs thanks to a new NFT standards that automated royalty payments, like ERC-2981. I breathlessly wrote about how artists like Jacques Greene were suddenly making more money releasing a single track NFT than their entire streaming royalties from platforms like Spotify.
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The Internet is our Default Reality Now: Taylor Lorenz's "Extremely Online"

James Beck
October 18
My generation is the last generation to fully reside on the median of this massive fault-line in media.
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Narcissism is not the same as self-love

James Beck
August 02
“Most artists are narcissists.” This was how a friend, a filmmaker, described his recent experience at a salon in NYC. (If you were wondering, salons are very much still a thing in NYC and some have even made a business of it).
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Last one to leave 49 Bogart

James Beck
June 22
✨Some personal news✨
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30 oblique thoughts, principles, quotes, and questions for thriving in web3

James Beck
June 15
Image Source: Midjourney prompt \[a crypto conference in the style of Hieronymus Bosch]
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How We Get To Negative Emissions With Web3

James Beck
October 20
Let’s start with some ecological grief to describe the current state of the Anthropocene. In the course of 40 years, an area the size of Europe has been deforested; at this rate, the world’s rainforests will be gone in 78 years. A report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) estimates that dozens of species are going extinct every day, with as many as 30 to 50 percent of all species going extinct by 2050. 21.5 million people have been displaced by climate change-related disasters since 2010. Every month we eat one Lego brick of plastic, or about 44 lbs. in a lifetime on average.
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How Could Ethereum Extend Personhood To Trees?

James Beck
July 22
Hardly a day goes by without a news story about record-breaking droughts and floods, widespread species loss, and destruction of valuable natural resources.